Manner surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy: Feasible laparoscopic salpingectomy. Fallopian tube linear cut embryos extraction to keep the fallopian tubes. Tubal mass removal for ectopic pregnancy. Ovarian cyst removal surgery. Resection of a benign tumor of the fallopian tube or ovary. Adnexectomy. Sterilization. Uterorrhaphy. Lud removal. Pictures of pelvic adhesion decomposition. Infertility. Salpingostomy. Assisted hysterectomy. Uterine suspension. Surgical treatment of uterine fibroids.
Product Type: Laparoscopy Three partition instruments
Warranty: One Year
High quality, stainless steel instrumentation line that offers a variety of handle and inserts styles for grasping, dissecting, suturing, and cutting capabilities for laparoscopic procedures.